my crazy life tattoo
My Connect-the-Dots Tattoo
He got a Billy Koch tattoo for like 1000 bucks. That is what he says,
This is one of the dumbest tattoo's I've ever seen and I know you'll agree
My Super Nintendo controller tattoo. It says "Mom Mom" because I got it in
Possibly the most popular of misspelled tattoos is
I now own my own body. It is mine. I have claimed it.
me and my tat in my favorite place of the house. i love looking out here
I do not like tattoos. It is highly unlikely I will ever get one.
"I love boobs so I thought I should have my own,"
Kat's mi vida loca “my crazy life” tattoo. December 30; , 2010
Jeff's good and evil hot dog tattoos guide his life.
New Tattoo. Got it this weekend. It wasn't my first, but it felt much more
I've had this tattoo since 1990, so you can imagine my surprise/delight on
Crazy tattoos. 30 10 2007. I received a lot of comments about my post Stupid
reminder of the fact that life is finite and hints powerfully at the
I ended sending my tattoo artist 6 different pictures with parts that I
Lately, my mind has been thinking up crazy ideas for
Jun 2 2009 For The Ladies: Reader's Sweet Zelda Tattoo
Tattooed: “Only God Will Juge Me”. Should have been: “Only God Will Judge Me
Often visible above her dresses for the first word, the tattoo in full reads